If you struggle with home

Set Boundaries to Stop the Distractions

5 Productivity Tips for the Highly Distractible Entrepreneur... 

My office door is LITERALLY closed. So, instead of walking in, my husband stands outside the door and says, "Hey hun..." 😫

He means well, but it makes me want to pull my hair out!

As much as I'd like to pin all the interruptions on everyone else, the truth is... it's on me to set AND enforce boundaries — starting with MYSELF.

Hard Truth: If you’re struggling with distractions, it’s time to take responsibility for those time leaks.

YOU are the one who has to respect your work, your business, and yourself enough to put the right systems in place. If you don’t, you’ll end up handing over your power and feeling frustrated, bitter, and defeated.

Sound familiar? (Yeah, we’ve all been there.)

So, what can you do to start plugging those time leaks?

It might mean:

  • A conversation with the important people in your life, letting them know they matter, but your work hours are sacred.
  • Putting your phone on "Do Not Disturb" (and actually sticking to it, without sneaking peeks!).
  • Scheduling non-work things, like dog walks, outside of your work hours.
  • Avoiding "just one load" of laundry—you know that’ll spiral into more distractions.
  • Checking texts and emails at set times instead of all day long.

But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about setting boundaries with others. It's about setting them with yourself.

Take a moment to reflect: Why do you feel the need to respond to every text or request immediately? Why do you allow those distractions in?

There’s a lot to unpack there.

So, if you want to take back your time, it starts with you. Set the boundaries, create the systems, and protect your workday like the valuable asset it is.